Gantt Consulting Ltd
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There's n'owt so queer as folk

Human Resource Strategy

Employers that are truly beginning to recognise, embrace and value the real potential of the workforce have put aside the dinosaur attitude that people are just there  ‘just to do a job.’  They seek to understand and maximize on the softer issues that affect performance.  Nurturing and developing the team creates a stable platform on which an organisation can build, being better prepared to respond to changes in the market place.  Developing the right HR strategy will incorporate opportunity and flexibility and requires the forging of strong, effective links. An intrinsic strategic approach means assessing the entire workforce to identify talented people at each and every level.  One of the strongest ways of changing the way people work is by transforming attitudes and behaviours of employees to create an environment that delivers results.

Gantt offers insight, flexibility and development from the best in the field, focusing on bringing together the total workforce as a cohesive unit.  We will design a specific programme to manage the development of talented individuals bringing together a dynamic yet balanced, knowledgeable, mature workforce that will retain the stability of the organisation long-term. With a clear sense of what skills and behaviours are required you will be clearly visible in your peer network.

Leadership and Stability

Our leadership style is vibrant, inspirational, flexible and motivational with a down to earth approach combined with vigorous technical ability. Our team of individually chosen Associates are “can do” people who make a positive difference to the success and effectiveness of teams and organisations. Gantt consultants have broad based experience, great ideas, determination and a sense of humour, which makes our business, stand out from the crowd.

We can bring all these skills and attributes to your organisation through unique customised result-driven Leadership Psychology training and coaching experiences that are designed to meet your needs. Future leaders will be propelled through vigorous learning experiences, hand in hand with continuous coaching.  Success comes from 30% training and 70% coaching and it’s the coaching part that is often neglected.  Expand your workforce’s capabilities and feel the difference.

Organisational Performance Auditing

With today’s pace of business and ever increasing changes managing overall performance is crucial.  Whilst businesses are aware that audits are important it is often the case that they are implemented only when issues relating to performance are identified, hence the business incurs additional costs in time and resource that could well have been avoided.

Amongst Gantt Consulting’s portfolio of skills is organisational audit management. Our team of assessors will evaluate the approach, current status, results and corrective action using Best Practice to create an auditing ‘check list’ which will support the business in achieving its objectives. 

Recruitment and Selection (R&S)

Having the right people in place with the right skills and behaviours is an integral part of any business if it is to reach a higher level of performance.  From practical work experience across both private and public sectors we have both the skills and ability to provide holistic solutions to our clients. Our leading consultants are experienced in designing and delivering comprehensive human resource selection services pertinent to every level.   Using proven methodologies and models we can fulfil the needs of every sector. 

Promotional Assessments

Having recruited the right people it is essential to retain them.  One of the best ways of doing this is to develop them to their full potential.  Gantt can help you assess your staff and determine the right time and level for any moves to maximise the satisfaction to the individual and the benefit to their employer.

Work Life Balance (WLB)

Managing the complexities of this new global initiative requires clear strategy, implementation and monitoring. Due to ever demanding needs imposed on businesses the stress and strains manifest themselves through the workforce. Work related illnesses and accidents cost UK employers between 4-9 billion pounds every year (as much as 10% of payroll costs).

Much of this can be prevented through adjusting the balance between work and life patterns.  Our specialist HR consultants can help employees and employers alike find an equilibrium between personal aspirations and work responsibilities whilst improving motivation, productivity and raising the profile of the business as being an employer of choice.

Investors in People (IIP)

The Investors In People programme was established to support businesses develop people in order to achieve their strategic aims.  It is a proven fact that employees and businesses benefit from a happy workforce.  Our committed team of professionals will happily work in partnership with you to establish this highly recognised and important policy.  Through extensive planning, effective steps and evaluation we will help your organisation meet the quality standards required providing a framework that will facilitate business sustainability and growth.

Reward and Motivation Strategy

Reward management is the most rapidly developing area of human resource as it affects happiness. In business terms that equates to staff retention of quality performers. Retaining this wealth of experience and expertise has a significant impact on overall business performance with the potential of better profit performance and low staff turnover creating ‘the company to work for’ image.

Reward is much more than a payslip. It is about motivating people to deliver results.  Gantt Consulting can support organisations to remain at the forefront of reward and motivational strategy development.

Recently recognised by industry Emotional Intelligence (EI) is an essential contributing factor that enables people to function more productively in business and in society as a whole. Gantt Consulting are able to interpret and incorporate this way of thinking into your organisation. We have the knowledge and tools to do so.  We will identify areas that need further development on a personal level, particularly focussing on leadership skills.  Through a specific action plan we can improve individual performance and facilitate workshops, which will capitalize on human resource and play an important part in strategic direction thus maximising competitive edge.