Gantt Consulting Ltd
Public & Private Services
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“a man is known by the company he organises”

- Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)


Continual, strategic repositioning due to policy change, is a way of life for government departments. This policy change is activated by programmes. Managing these programmes means taking decisions which sometimes appear illogical and confusing to staff. Good Leadership, Motivation and Reality can overcome much of the fear and resentment caused by policy change. Combine these management basics with Planning and success is assured.

Gantt’s Strategic Programme Review follows OGC guidelines and is designed to complement the management of the programme by highlighting potential issues early and identifying solutions to coincide with the timeline and keep the programme on track.

Gantt’s policy change evaluation looks at the impact of policy change mid-stream in the life of a programme. We use business process re-engineering methodology to re-align the requirement and to minimise lost time.  


Whether planning large capital expenditure or tight implementation budgets, controlling finances enables reviews against quantified objectives. Failure to assess costs and benefits can have serious adverse effects on programme delivery and can undermine departmental credibility.

Our Financial consultants are qualified chartered accountants with broad experience of commercial and operational decision making at senior/board level, both in the public and private sectors. Experience includes new operation start-ups, acquisitions, systems implementation and change management together with financial reporting, team building and motivation.

The team is well versed at providing advice and guidance in all aspects of the management of financial accounts as well as taking the role of interim management on behalf of our clients. Our Financial review techniques follow a standard pattern which frequently results in the creation of new policy and direction.

Suppliers and Outsourcing

Supplier relationships with government departments vary greatly in the responsibilities individual suppliers are expected to take. Whilst some suppliers are “employed” to complete a task under the total control of a division, other situations demand a more flexible response and outsourcing the task may be the order of the day. Gantt use well proven methods to help clients get the most from supplier relationships. Our experience of designing service level agreements which are both realistic and easy to monitor, combined with suitable incentive schemes produce the “win—win” situation so elusive to many contractual arrangements.


Government procurement rules and European directives can be complex and require specialist knowledge to achieve value for money. Gantt advise the Commission and UK utilities in this specialist area, enabling us to provide up to date advice to both the public and private sector for this crucial activity.  Using our business analysis capability we are able to produce pre-qualification and invitation to tender documentation to the highest standards. Our innovative method of shortlisting and final selection is certain to produce the optimum result.

But, of course, finding the right supplier or product is only one half of the equation. Managing the contract with a firm but fair hand will deliver the policy benefits which are the basis of progress. Gantt contract management capability is second to none. We operate at the highest levels to ensure that maximum benefit from the purchasing cycle is realised.

Change Management

These days change is a fact of life and every organisation needs to face this.  Change can be very disruptive if handled incorrectly and actually lead to inefficiencies rather than delivering gains.  With the right help though changes can bring enormous benefits, keep staff fresh and improve service delivery.  Gantt’s experts work with clients to reap the benefits from change and ensure that staff are enthusiastic about the changes to come rather than trying to sabotage them.

Management advice and support

Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time.  Middle managers can turn to their colleagues or senior management, but where do senior managers and directors go for advice.  Gantt, that’s who!

Mentoring is a key service provided by senior Gantt consultants.  If you or your senior managers need some impartial but experienced advice then come to Gantt.  One of our consultants can act as the perfect sounding board to try out new ideas or test new strategic directions.

Organisational Healthchecks

Just as individuals need advice from time to time, so organisations need help with their development.  Whether you are setting up a new agency or reviewing the best structure for an existing Department, Gantt’s people are there to help you.  Gantt have experience of reviewing the structure of all sizes and types of organisation from sections in a private company to complete new Government Departments.